Friday, September 4, 2015

lily lately

it's been awhile since we've had a lily update...

cuteness overload

sno-cones for life!

we take a walk in the evenings, and when lily has
walked as far as she can, she climbs in the stroller.
and maybe we time the walks close to bedtime so she
falls asleep while we're out.  maybe.

candy land is serious business around here.

the three little monkeys/three musketeers/three stooges.
they might fight some, but lily, grace, and eliza are fantastic friends.
i can't wait to see them grow up together.

i love when she puts her own outfits together.  and wants me to
take a picture because she's so happy with it.  and poses just so.
i'm really loving this toddler stage (mostly).

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