Sunday, November 2, 2014

lily considers life complete--the fire truck edition

lily loves firetrucks.  LOVES them with a passion that some women reserve for chocolate.  she always wants to go say "hi" to the firetruck, she goes rigid with excitement when she see's a firetruck, and whenever she hears a siren, it's always a firetruck.  lily loves firetrucks.  on my way to pick her up after work, i passed by the community center and saw three firetrucks parked out front.  after i retrieved lily, we made our way back to the community center to see if the firetrucks were still there.  they were!  we spent an hour wandering around the three trucks, and she said "hi" to each one.  when the dispatch radio inside the trucks went off, the firetrucks were "talking."  lily was in her element and when we got to see the firetrucks drive off, it was the most exciting thing to happen in her short life.  "bye, firetruck!"  she was a very happy little girl that day.

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