Sunday, August 17, 2014

lily is two!

we survived another year!  lily turned two on august 4th, and is such a ball of energy and has been so much fun lately.  she is increasingly verbal, has two-to-three word sentences, and is very particular about things.  at her well check, she was 3' 3/4" tall (99th percentile) and 27.6 lbs (71st percentile).  she is a very tall little girl--she is wearing 3T size shirts and dresses, and has just started growing out of her 18-month skirts and pants in length.  we took her 2-year old pictures, and looking back over the last couple years, the changes are so insane.  i can't believe how big she is; lily has left the baby behind and is now a full-fledged little girl.

newborn (five days old)

one week old

two years old

traditional bunny shot.  she's grown so much!


Mal said...

Awww, that first 2-year old shot is so sweet. She's such a cutie.

Jen said...

Oh my goodness! She looks more and more like her daddy everyday!