Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I hate cars

A bold statement, I know, but it's true.  I got to work today and found a rear tire flat.  Kevin came to my rescue and took Peanut to the tire hospital.  $400 dollars later, the Peanut has four new shoes and is ready to dance.  I am serious about moving to a place that has some decent public transportation.  In Sacramento, Light Rail took me almost everywhere I needed to go.  I had some good times on the Red and Blue lines in SoCal, and didn't have to drive from the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach and back. It was great.  I drive because I have to; because in California you really have no choice.  I would LOVE to have a great BART-like system wherever I go.  I dream of the high-speed rail connecting the Bay to LA.  I am not a fan of driving anywhere.  I have friends in NYC who don't own a car and can conduct all sorts of business around the city thanks to a subway system that takes you everywhere you need to go.  I want that for this area.  Cars just make life difficult in so many ways.  I know they represent freedom to some, and some people need their cars.  I don't think I'm one of them.  I could happily give it up if I could make it work.  Maybe someday.  But right now, I really want to move to Portland or Seattle; both areas with great public transportation.


Mal said...

Amen. Of course, I don't mind walking everywhere, so I'd like to live in a place where I can do that. But yes, the public transportation system needs some major improvement here.

Jen said...

I definitely agree that public transit needs help. There have been many a day when I wish there was a way to get all the way from Monterey to my parents' house without having to drive. But for my every day? I'd be one of those people that thinks of cars as a ticket to freedom. I already almost never go anywhere... three kids to drag along is a challenge. But if I had to do it with public transit, even really good public transit.... The very thought gives me a panic attack! I'd be willing to wager that 99% of mothers with more than one child would probably say the same. Imagine having to drag the kids on the bus/rail to get to the grocery store and then have to drag them and the groceries home at least once a week because you don't have enough hands to carry more than a few bags of groceries AND all the kiddos. *shudder* When they develop teleportation, then I'd maybe consider going without a car. Maybe by then, public transit won't be crappy. LOL!

Shalmeno said...

We'll move to Portland with you! :-)

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Cars are a pain in the butt! You SHOULD move to Portland or Seattle ;) But yes, I totally agree, Cali needs to get up on this whole public transit thing