Thursday, April 16, 2009


I've been talking about it for awhile, gathering my courage and trying to get my friends to join me in my plan...with no takers. Finally I decided to brave it alone. At the gym, they offer cycling classes. We've all heard the stories and seen the clips in movies and TV shows and it quite honestly seemed frightening. Nonetheless, I wanted to give it a go, just to try it out. And yesterday I did. I showed up at the gym, signed in, walked into the room, found the instructor, told her I was new and had no clue, got a bike, and waited for the torture to begin. To my surprise (and relief), it was not bad. I kept up with everyone (at less resistance, since I was the new kid) and managed to survive the full hour. My legs were a little shaky, but after I stretched they felt better. And today, I am not sore at all. Tomorrow is another class, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.

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