Thursday, October 30, 2008

Haunted House

I'll be the first to admit I'm kind of a snob when it comes to Halloween and all things scary and spook-tacular. For those who know me, my dad is pretty much a Halloween officianado and always decorates the house for the holiday in some scary manner or another. Tonight we took a family field trip to a house in the middle of nowhere that is turned into a haunted house open to the public. The house was pretty interesting, the atmosphere intriguing, but the proceeds are given to the Safe and Sober program at the local high school, so high school kids are giving tours and participating in the vignettes. The kids were all pretty much Paris Hilton attitude wannabe's (think of her voice saying "that's hot"...these kids were pretty much emulating that). It was kind of funny and sad. If we could have wandered the house on our own, it would have been so much cooler, and at least a little scary. As it is, I spent the entire tour rolling my eyes at these girls wondering if they had enough brain cells to graduate at the end of their high school career. I felt dumber for being in their company, and since I am starting school again, I need all the IQ points I have.

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