Thursday, May 22, 2014

fort point and the presidio--san francisco

for my birthday, we went up to san francisco and spent the day touring/wandering the presidio and fort point.  my geeky little history heart was beating with excitement the whole time.  it was an incredibly beautiful, perfect day, and we had so much fun.  i cannot wait to go back and wander some more.

walt disney musuem

i love a well-designed space.  also, find the hidden mickey!
walt disney museum 

such a gorgeous day and an incredibly beautiful place.
seriously, sf knows how to do adaptive reuse on whole other level.

i love the golden gate bridge; it's one of my favorites
(and yes, i really do have favorite bridges)

the golden gate bridge crosses over fort point.  the juxtaposition
of the modern (1937) bridge vs. the older (1860s) fort was breathtaking.

i heart winding staircases.  also, i'm in love with the shapes found
all around fort point.

i could spend hours here.  it's just lovely.

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