Friday, March 1, 2013

six months

when my brothers and i were babies, we had professional photo shoots at six, nine, and twelve months old, just to show how much difference three months makes.  so, i decided to keep the tradition going with lily, except my professional photographer is kevin.  we went to a local park on a beautiful california winter day and had some fun.  lily was in an exceptionally good mood and very cooperative.  it was kind of a rarity when it comes to her photo shoots.

six months old and loving life

she saw maggie and got super excited.

loving the swings

her introspective look

she loves standing like a big girl

don't let the ladylike demeanor fool you.

maggie and lily are learning to get along

someday they'll be friends...


Mal said...

Awww, how cute!

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures! Happy 6 months Lily!

Wendy said...

So sweet. Love her dress. Good job Kevin.