Monday, June 14, 2010

Shameless Promotion

So by now you all know that my brother, Jeff, wrote a book (available on Amazon and in the social science section of your local bookstore). The book garnered him an interview with the Orange County Register, which is available in the printed format, but I've also linked it here for your reading pleasure. I'm a shameless promoter for him, but what can I say? He's my brother, I love him, and I'm proud of him. So, buy the book if you haven't already. I've read it, and call it good. Although, in some places I do shake my head at him. But what the heck. Help a poor boy make a living!

Monday, June 7, 2010

My favorite things

We received many wonderful and generous gifts from family and friends for our wedding. But one of the things that gets the most use (by me, anyway) is the popcorn popper from my cousin, Sara. I have a love obsession with this item. I have been going through popcorn kernels at an alarming rate, and recently purchased the Costco-sized container of kernels from Costco. Kevin predicts that I will go through it within the month. I deny it, but it does have that potential, quite honestly. I've had popcorn for lunch, popcorn for dinner, and sometimes just as a snack while watching TV. I think I need a twelve-step program.

"Hi, my name is Shaine, and I am addicted to popcorn."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To Read or Not to Read

When I was seven, I read all the Nancy Drew books. I devoured them, going through one or two books a day. I read and re-read most of them over the years. I had my favorites, and my not-so favorites. They are sitting in a box at my parents house, somewhere. I think waiting for future generations of Nancy Drew lovers to find and devour them as I did. I am getting nostalgic for the books I enjoyed when I was younger. I've re-read some of the stuff from high school, like Cannery Row and To Kill a Mockingbird. Those were some of my favorites. But I can't seem to pick up the Nancy Drew books. I'm almost afraid they won't be as good as my pre-teen mind remembers. I don't want to ruin what are great memories of a series of books by the higher expectations of my now-adult mind. But maybe some things are worth the risk. I might have to see if the library has a copy of the Mystery of the Old Clock.