Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Fates Conspire Against Me!

I am apparently cursed by fate. Allow me to give you the rundown. First, on Monday morning, I got a flu shot. By that evening, I had flu symptoms. I am just now beginning to feel better. I had a fever, cough, sore throat, achy joints, and a headache. The flu shot gave me the flu! Second, I had an appointment with the branch president this evening. Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to keep it. This appointment was to make up for the appointment he missed a couple weeks ago. Guess what...I was stood up tonight as well. I'm done. I will meet him before church or after church, but I am done with driving 10 miles to the church building in order to meet with him. I'm seriously annoyed. By the time he gets around to meeting with me, I'll already be in San Jose. We are talking about a twig...maybe 40 active members total. I have been in huge wards where the bishop never forgot an appointment with me once, let alone twice! Third, I have to go back to the dentist on Thursday afternoon for round two of my oral repairs. This time will be more painful, and possibly longer in duration, than the previous visit. Again, I am annoyed because if the dentist had done the root canal right the first time, I wouldn't be in this mess now. I cannot wait for what fate has in store for me next. Hopefully something good, but knowing my luck, it just won't happen.


Garbett Family said...

Isn't it always the small stuff that irrates? Hope the dentist stuff isn't too bad. Did you ever hook up with my brother?

Unknown said...

I actually hung out with him last week at the final HSU football game of the season...we had fun with the Marching Lumberjacks.