Wednesday, November 6, 2013

sf & aquarium fun

we recently went on a little adventure to sf, visiting the aquarium by the bay and wandering pier 39/ the embarcadero.  lily was quite the trooper and handled the whole day like a champ; the girl loves to travel and be out and about.  i'm so proud!  i love the city; i love the thousands of ways it is new every time i go, and the different things to see and do while i'm there.  anytime anybody wants to be a sf tourist, call me.  i'm down to join you on any madcap adventure.  and so is lily.

architectural details; i'm a sucker for 'em.

the ferry building; i'd never been inside before, and it is amazing! beautifully restored and an incredible example of adaptive reuse.  and the food inside is delightful: artisan cheeses, fresh-baked bread (we picked up a loaf and ate that for lunch as we wandered--delish), and a host of other things.  i'll be back, ferry building!

lily loved the jellyfish; she just kept staring at them.  and i'll admit, i was entranced by them to.
they are just so peaceful to watch.  

this starfish waved "hi" to us.  lily waved back.

she kept trying to grab the fish swimming by. 

sharks!  they were huge; much bigger than i anticipated they'd be

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