Friday, June 24, 2011


The past two weeks have been hell on earth.  Work has been so insane, I've contemplated just putting my pen down and walking out.  Things are just amped up, and it seems we are asked to do things for which we have no time and even less support.  I heartily dislike my job, and have been searching diligently for something else for the past eighteen months.  I've had one bite out of countless applications, and got passed over for that.  It seems like I am doomed to be at my present employment forever.  And the thought makes me shudder and cry.  Needless to say, I've been going crazy and haven't felt very good or happy about anything, let alone life in general.

Thursday night was temple night for my stake.  Kevin and I went, and made it to the temple with about 10 minutes to race to the dressing rooms to get ready and make the session.  Thanks to a horrendous traffic jam, the session was incredibly small and we were able to sit in the celestial room for a good while.  It was the calmest and most at peace I have felt in a long time.  I went with questions a need for guidance, and while the answers did not come in a lightening strike, I was comforted by the presence of the Spirit and the knowledge that my Heavenly Father loves me.  I love the temple.  I love the feeling of joy and peace that abounds.  It is a sanctuary and truly our Saviors home on earth.  The Lord truly does walk in His Holy Temples on the earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. Sometimes what you need most is just that feeling of peace, and it helps even without "answers." Hey, for the job thing, have you tried temp agencies? In the Bay Area I had a lot of luck with Office Team, but there are tons of them there (Apple One, Nelson Staffing, Remedy just to name a few). You've probably already tried that, but if not, I hope it helps. I know the feeling of searching for jobs for a long time (Chico had ZERO jobs), so if you feel like you need someone else's perspective on new possibilities, let me know and I can see what I can come up with.