Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

There are so many things I would put here to brag about my Mom, but even if the blog had space, everyone would get pretty annoyed by the length of the post.  As the only daughter (I have three! brothers), my Mom and I share a special bond.  In addition, I was born the day before Mother's Day, and like to consider myself the best present she ever received.

My Mom is seriously the best human being I know.  She is kind and considerate, honest, and has a total love and empathy of her fellow man.  Family is her priority, and we are all--immediate and extended families--close because of her.  I have always thought that if I could be half the woman my Mom is, then I am a lucky girl.  I have been thinking about the incredible person she is, what she overcame in childhood and how she, along with Dad, made the decision to change the structure of our family and make it a place where love is felt and everyone hugs everybody else; and we tell each other "I love you" all the time.  

Usually I think of the ways I need to grow in order to be like Mom, that I don't stop and think of the ways that I am like her.  Mom is a big adventurer; she loves to see new things and places.  As a kid, and a young married, she traveled across the USA and up to Canada and down to Mexico.  She just wants to experience everything she can.  Mom was all about the random hikes and day trips; we would just hop in the car and go.  This happened before I was born and all throughout my childhood.  Disneyland, Patrick's Point State Park, Santa Barbara, day trips to Oregon; these were all pretty common occurrences.  

Education has always been a top priority for Mom.  She took eighteen years to get her BA, going to two night classes a semester when us kids were little.  She only ever missed one class and that was to give birth to the youngest, Ben.  I think she gets a pass for that.  She has two Master's and is working on her MFT license.  I have always know the importance of education, both academic and general life, and am proud to consider myself a life-long student of whatever I can learn.

I could go on, but I don't want to make this too long-winded.  Needless to say, I have so many traits that  I inherited from my mother, and am proud to be her daughter.  I am nothing without her, and she is truly my best friend.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom.  I love you lots, and am so glad I get to share my birthday around this holiday; it always makes me think of you.

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