Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What I learned on Glee tonight

Did you know I have bipolar disorder?  I was born with it, it manifested when I was about 10, and I was diagnosed when I was 11.  It was a long journey of discovery for me, and my family.  I'm still learning all the different ways to deal with it and how it pops up in my life.  I've always maintained the "out and proud" idea for myself, and have found that mental illness was a taboo subject amongst most people in this country.  There are those who don't accept it, don't believe the impact it has on a life, or just plain ignore it.  I have a pretty big family history with mental illness, on both sides (thanks, Mom & Dad), and so there was just no escape for me.  Add to that a mother who is a psychologist, and I have no choice but to accept and be fairly open about the subject.  I was this close to voting for Al Gore because Tipper was such a huge proponent and advocate of mental illness research.

I was watching Glee tonight, that had the message of accepting the things about yourself that make you, you.  Mental illness, looks, etc.  I have found throughout my life that there are so many things about people that they ignore, hide, or change.  I have some friends that are so completely honest and open about themselves that I can't help but want to be like them.

I am a bipolar woman who has managed a pretty productive life.  I've completed a Master's degree, lived on my own, worked since I was fifteen, traveled pretty widely ( I think), made and kept friends, take care of a dog, and have been able to be married.

So there it is.  Glee made me reflect on who I am and want to share it with my fellow constituents.  There is always something we don't like about ourselves, but we accept it and carry on, not letting those things weigh us down.  We manage the best we can with the limits we are dealt, overcome what we can, and figure out a way to deal with the rest.


Carrie said...

I don't know if I could credit Glee for anything that profound but I heart your story and you!

Mal said...

Great post, Shaine! Well said. Of course, I respect the wishes of those who want it kept private--it's not my story to tell, after all--but I agree that accepting it is key to living with it. (Here I am, talking as though I know a smidgen about it.) Anyway, like I said, great post.

Shalmeno said...

WOOHOO!!! I'm glad Glee served as a personal tipping point for you. You are fabulous, very accomplished, and overall pretty amazing. I love you!

Wendy said...

I have always respected you Shaine for being so open about it and even more for all that you have done and with do. Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring. And I love that you are so open that you can find inspiration in something as every-day as a TV show. And I love even more that you share it with us. Thank you.