Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crafty needs

I need to get some Mod Podge. Every time I look at a crafty "how-to" project, it always seems to start with Mod Podge. So I just need to remember to add it to my shopping list the next time I am near a crafty store. Apparently the lack of crafty-ness on my part is due to my lack of having Mod Podge handily available. I knew there was a reason.


Garbett Family said...

What the heck is Modge Podge?

Your very un-crafty friend

Unknown said...

Dear un-crafty friend : ),

Mod Podge is kind of like a clear glue that adheres fabric and paper to things, such as plates, photo frames, etc., and it also acts as a sealer. It dries clear and is apparently the greatest crafty invention ever. All I know is, all these crafty tutorial things start and end with it. So, I feel as if I need to get some in order to be truly crafty.

Love, Me