Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sad to say good-bye

I have had the same bathroom rugs since I moved away from home (seven years ago) and they just started to fall apart about a month ago. Since then, I've been on the lookout for new ones that go with my existing decor. I've checked all the usual and not so usual places, but there was nothing to be found in the color I needed. I finally found some that were close, and OK, but still, the perfectionist in me is not quite satisfied. I am disheartened that the original rugs fell apart to a degree that I recognize as ridiculous, but they coordinated perfectly. I know that stuff falls apart eventually, and that these are fairly minor in the scheme of what needs to be replaced. But I like my stuff, and I like it to stay the way it is. Hopefully these new rugs will work out; color-wise and in longevity.


Shalmeno said...

You're right. You ARE the Robb in your marriage. :-) I hope you come to find peace with your new bath rugs!

Michelle said...

LOL! That is awesome and you should definitely talk to Joseph...he would say that you could "always" fix something so I commend you on actually getting rid of them (though it is sad) if they needed it because Joseph never would! :)

Michelle said...

oh yes and Robert says hi to Mags (he likes her pic)

Katy said...

Did you get the leopard print one, or were you saving that one for me for Christmas? It's FABULOUS!