Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Memories

I'm pretty bad about downloading pictures from my camera, but I finally did it. Here are some of my favorite photos from the holiday season. Enjoy!

The Klima kids, in age order (I'm the oldest, FYI)
Graduates of Klima University. We all got matching shirts for Christmas...kind of in lieu of new pj's. I like the t-shirt idea better.
My brother Chris spent Thanksgiving day dressed as a country gentleman and taking the dog for a walk. No joke, he took the dog to the park, and played with her for about an hour, dressed like this.

1 comment:

Garbett Family said...

I am totally digging the t-shirts!!! Where in the world did you have them made? SERIOUSLY where? I want them done for the Garbett clan (and possibly the Richardsons as well, :))