Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben!

Here is to my incredibly wonderful brother Ben. Today is his 22nd birthday, which kind of throws me for a loop, because he is my youngest brother and that just means I am getting older. But this is about Ben, not me.

So here's to you Benny-babe. I am proud of you for getting through the correctional officer training, and for managing to be kind to everyone you meet. You have a ton of friends because it is in your nature to look at the best in everyone and accept them for who they are. You are even kind to the homeless people in the area...and everyone knows your name (kind of like Cheers). So Happy Happy Birthday. May it be wonderful and everything you wish it to be. You are my favorite youngest brother and I can't wait to see what you do with your future. I love you tons!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, here I am in San Jose (Pleasanton, to be exact) and things are going along just swimmingly. I went to the gym the other day to get myself back into the routine, and guess who found me there? Tiffiny Livermore. Apparently, she lives about 15 minutes or so from me. A former LBC member and roommate of the grand Bostonian Manor, and I run into her in my new neck of the woods. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Now, to the news you have all been waiting for...SJSU is a beautiful campus. I had new student orientation for the program tonight, and it was great. I'm super excited for this new chapter in my life and can tell that I am going to enjoy the additional training and education in this field. I can't wait to get back out into the wider "grown-up" workforce once I've graduated and can make real money again. This whole altering of circumstances is for the birds. I will send out an email with my new address for you all (just in case anyone wants to send a little love note...) but for now, you will have to be content that I am enjoying my new area and my new ward...but I miss my friends in the various parts of the country--SoCal and parts further away.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So long, farewell

So here it is. My truck is packed, my car is loaded, I have printed out directions, and tomorrow I leave for the great Bay Area, otherwise known as San Jose. I have enjoyed the time I've been able to spend with my family and reaquainting myself with Eureka, but I am more than ready for the next great adventure. By tomorrow night, I will be an official resident of San Jose and starting school soon thereafter. So farewell to E-town and all my friends and loved ones who are here. I've had some wonderful visitors and fun experiences, but am excited for the next great adventure. I welcome any and all visitors to come and see me in SJ. Good times (and the Winchester Mystery House) await. Stay tuned for further updates.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting to know you...

As I am preparing for the next big move, I think about the new social situations I will be thrust into, both in church and in my program. I can be pretty awkward socially sometimes and become shy and tongue-tied, not knowing what to say (I know, I know, hard to believe, but there it is). So I ask you guys, what are some good questions to ask to break the ice and get the conversational ball rolling? From the mundane to the wacky, I invite any and all comments and suggestions. I hate looking like an awkward teenager or social misfit. But I usually feel that way when I am flying solo in a new situation. I need a wing-man/woman! Who wants to come to SJ to be my partner in crime? If you can't come here, at least impart your social and verbal words of wisdom!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Doubt--A Movie Review

OK, I know that movies are supposed to be Patty's domain, but I'm going to post a review and urge you all to see the movie Doubt, starring Meryl Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, and Viola Davis. It is seriously amazing. I was riveted the entire movie and it was approx. 2 hours long. It felt like less, it moved so quickly. Basically a nun suspects a priest of child molestation and sets out to get to the truth. Nothing is ever shown that is tawdry, and it is never mentioned explicetly, but you get the idea of what is going on through the facial expressions and body language of the cast. Seriously amazing. I loved it beginning to end and would see it again. It is a great look into how life is for those in the Catholic church in the 1960s. Excellent movie and they all deserve awards. Everybody should go see the movie DOUBT.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What the heck!?

So there I was, minding my own business and sleeping quite nicely when, at 4:37 AM, my phone rings. Being jarred out of sleep is bad enough. Seeing the clock read 4:37 is atrocious, especially when you know you have more time to sleep before having to get up. In the blink of a sleep befuddled mind, I answered the phone. It could be any number of horrendous things that had happened to a loved one. My friend could have had her baby brother could have been in an accident on his way home from work...these went through my mind as I fumbled for the phone. I didn't look at the caller ID, because, lets face it, I was too busy trying to find the phone with my eyes still closed in the denial of sleep. I finally answered the stupid thing, only to have this conversation.

Me: Hello (in a very sleepy, tired voice)
Caller: Is John there?
Me: John?
Caller: Yeah, is John there?
Me: I think you have the wrong number.
Caller: Are you sure? Is John just not wanting to get up?
Me: Pretty sure. You have the wrong number.
Caller: Oh, sorry.
Me: click

It was a lousy way to start the day. Luckily, I was able to fall asleep again pretty quickly.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reflections and Goals

Happy New Year to one and all! Hopefully 2009 is full of fun and exciting new things for everyone. Usually I am anti-New Year's resolutions, because, well, I never keep them and usually they are fairly outlandish. Instead, upon reflection, I decided to adopt some goals that would help me to become a better person all around, not just for 2009. Some I already am pretty good at, but I thought I'd include them because they are part of being well-rounded. I decided I'd post them here, because then it is out there for others to see, and perhaps monitor.

*Study the scriptures daily
*Pray morning and night
*Regular temple attendance
*Continue to develop a closer relationship with my brothers
*Regular exercise
*Develop healthier eating habits
*Focus on learning and growth opportunites (school, general learning)
*Be more involved/knowledgeable about current events
*Fiscal responibility
*Travel to places not yet seen, within the USA
*Try new things (activities, foods, events)
*Go out of my comfort zone and be more social

While ruminating on all these things I'd like to do, I'll continue with the schmaltzy feelings and just say, I'm grateful for the friendships I've been able to develop with you all, and for the love and support I know you send my way. I'm glad to know you all, and hope that you get everything you want and need in this coming year. May it be prosperous in many ways--family, friends, experiences--and be all that you are hoping for today.